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Regular Worship Schedule

Weekend Masses

Vigils: 4 & 6 PM
Sunday: 7am, 9am, 11 AM, 5 pm & 1 PM Spanish

Daily Masses

Monday-Saturday: 8 AM

Tuesday & Thursday: 12 PM

Wednesday: 6 PM

Purgatory Mass

4th MOnday of every month: 6pm

Holy Day Masses- see bulletin for schedule


MONDAY - FRIDAY: following 8 AM Mass
TUESDAY & THURSDAY: 30 minutes before Noon Mass

SATURDAY: before 8AM Mass & at 2:30 pm


perpetual adoration in Chapel

Our live Adoration Camera is not working, and we are in the process of replacing it. Thank you for your patience.


Perpetual Adoration Needs YOUR Help

The table below shows when adorers are needed. We need 2 adorers each hour each day. Please consider taking an hour.  It is only for ONE HOUR EACH WEEK and a perfect time in the silence of the Chapel to spend in personal prayer as well!!! It's an investment in YOUR SALVATION!!

Just click on the table where you want to help and you will be directed to the "We Adore Him" site.  There is a link under the table for instructions on how to use the site if you are a new user. 

Please contact Bob or Leasa Leewe on 843-299-0335 or with any questions.

Please use the following link to watch a 10 minute video on our program for signing up and participating as an adorer or a substitute:

Click on

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