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Among the many blessings that God has showered upon us in Christ is the blessing of marriage, a gift bestowed by the Creator from the creation of the human race…

Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials!  Please complete the form below and "submit" to the parish. We will contact you to confirm the information. In order to secure the date, which must be approved by the pastor, a deposit of 50% of the fee is due upon confirmation. The fee at St. Michael for a wedding is $750 for active parishioners (registered at least six months prior to scheduling the wedding and evidenced by envelope use/contributions and attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days) and $1,000 for all others. This amount is all-inclusive and covers the parish donation, church organist/cantor, wedding coordinator (church only) and the officiant. The remaining balance is due a month before the wedding. The deposit can be mailed or made at the parish office. Please be sure to reference your names and the wedding date with the payment. Credit cards are accepted. Note that this fee does not cover any Pre-Cana, Engaged Encounter, or other fees associated with preparation programs outside the parish. An added hourly fee of $35 will be charged for additional rehearsals with soloists or instrumentalists.

After your reservation is received, you will be contacted to confirm receipt of the information and your date.  Wedding paperwork will be done with a deacon and you may meet with our Pastor, Fr. Joseph Romanoski for additional preparation. A diocesan marriage program should also be completed. See the links below for more information on those.

Our Wedding Coordinator, JoAnn Cordell, will contact you to meet with her and the Director of Music, Joshua Colbert, closer to the wedding date to review the ceremony. JoAnn will also be present at the rehearsal and on the wedding day. For a copy of our parish Wedding Guidelines, click on the link below. All contact information is provided in the Guidelines. Please feel free to contact us with any other questions.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are already married by a civil authority, your marriage will be considered a convalidation (blessed by the Catholic Church). For these marriages, a simple ceremony with two witnesses is all that is required and allowed. Of course, family and friends may attend, but it is not permitted to be a large, elaborate ceremony with attendants (other than the witnesses). It is not celebrated within a Mass, but rather vows are exchanged and rings are blessed along with prayers and a blessing for the couple. In the Diocese of Charleston, a waiting period of one (1) year from the date of the civil marriage is required for the convalidation to be approved.

Diocesan Marriage Preparation Programs St. Michael Wedding Guidelines

Wedding Reservation Request

Please note when selecting a date: 

Weddings are not scheduled after 1 pm on Saturdays. We can accomodate two weddings on a Saturday. Sunday weddings are not permitted.  Weddings can be scheduled during the week, usually in the afternoon or early evening, depending on the Mass schedule on that day. Weddings will not be scheduled during  Advent and Lent.

Thank you for contacting us.  We will confirm your request shortly.  Have a blessed day!

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