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Your baby's baptism is a time for celebration and joy. And, naturally, you want the best for your baby. We want to help you plan and prepare for the baptism in the best possible way. Please complete and submit the following form. You will be contacted by Christine Schwenke to schedule the baptism. If this is your first child to be baptized, it is required that you attend our Baptismal Preparation Class three (3) months prior to the scheduled baptism.  These classes are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in our Parish Activity Center (PAC Hall). This form is for scheduling a baptism and also registering for an upcoming class if needed. We ask that you be registered in the parish and if you are not, please complete a separate Parish Registration Form (link available on the Information page). Please feel free to call Christine at 843-651-3737, ext. 227 if you have any questions.

Please only submit only one Registration Form per child.  If you need to make changes after submitting a form, call our Faith Formation Director at 843-651-3737, ext. 227 or email

IMPORTANT NOTE: The chosen Godparents must submit a Sponsor Certificate from their home parish. Sponsor Certificates MUST be submitted TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the scheduled baptism. 

Baptism Registration Form

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